sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009

The Ataris - I.O.U One Galaxy

Stars are out tonight
and you're the brightest one shining in my sky.
it's like every wish I ever made came true.
the day I woke up lying next to you.

Will you be my best friend
if I offer you my heart?
'cause it's already yours.
we could hang out every night
and watch the sun go down.
as long as we could watch it rise again.

Gave me a valentine.
it's these little things that stand the test of time.
I've saved the tickets from the shows that we've been to.
and a thousand other memories of you.

Will you be my best friend
if I offer you my heart?
'cause it's already yours.

Gave you this i.o.u. today.
it said good for one galaxy.
once I build my rocket to the stars.
we'll fly away just you and me.

Para la Ojoverde, con cariño...

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Jardín de las Baladas by Jardín de las Baladas is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú License.
Based on a work at jardindelasbaladas.blogspot.com.