miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009

Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song

Waiting on a sunday afternoon
For what I read between the lines,
Your lies.
Feelin like a hand in rusted shame
So do you laugh or does it cry?

Leavin on a southern train
Only yesterday you lied,
Promises of what I seemed to be
Only watched the time go by,
All of these things you said to me.

Breathing is the hardest thing
To do. with all Ive said and
All thats dead for you,
You lied - good bye

Leavin on a southern train
Only yesterday you lied
Promises of what I seemed to be
Only watched the time go by,
All of these things I said to you.

¿Qué tan lejos me queda el
camino a casa, entre tus brazos?

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Jardín de las Baladas by Jardín de las Baladas is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú License.
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